Monday, November 3, 2008


Ok, this is my first attempt at blogging so forgive my inexperience. I just am so raw with emotion right now that I needed to write. The election is tomorrow, and I can barely stand it. If something goes down like last time and we have to wait 30 days to find out who wins the election I think I will just have to go live in the woods for awhile! ;)

If you have just met me in the past year you would swear I was a political activist. That is so not true! I am 43 years old and I have almost been apolitical throughout my adult life. I have had certain issues that I felt passionate about, but for the most part politics made me uncomfortable. I felt like I wasn't informed enough to really get behind someone. One thing I was proud of was my independent voting record. I would always vote, and never straight party. I don't believe one party has all the right answers. I back individuals based on their philosophies and how strongly I feel they can stand up to the politics at hand that always seems to corrupt good people.

Barack Obama has totally transformed me. I believe in him. I think he is just what America needs right now. He has proven he is willing to stand up for his beliefs no matter what that costs him. He is not going to make deals with politicians just to get his way down the line. He is sincerely a good person. Does he have all the answers? No way. But that is what his cabinet is for, and I truly feel that he is the right choice. I think he is just what we need to help us pick ourselves up, dust ourselves up and start all over again in EVERYTHING. The economy. Our international relations. Supporting those who cannot support themselves, while requiring them to learn and work for what is given to them. He tells his supporters that getting him in the White House is just the beginning; we will all have to continue our grass-roots work once he is there to make this country great again. After this election, I am tired but I am game. I am willing to do what I need to to make our country the respected giant it once was. I am no longer afraid to voice my opinion about a presidential candidate because having someone dislike me for my beliefs is just not as scary as having our country suffer further. Hey-I even put a bumper sticker on my very nice car! :) I risked it because I think people need to know they are not alone. That just because you have a Benz doesn't mean you are heartless and only care for yourself. I care for the world and for our great country. God Bless America and God Bless Barack Obama.

If you are undecided, I truly hope you will give my musings thought. I am not a yellow-dog Democrat, but I could not support Obama more!

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